近日,上海静安瑞吉酒店正式任命黄彦豪先生(Henry Ng)担任酒店运营总监一职,全面负责酒店运营部门管理工作。他将带领酒店运营团队致力于为名流雅士和全球旅行者打造卓越非凡的旅居体验。

Henry Ng has been officially appointed as the new Director of Operations at the St. Regis Shanghai Jingan. He will be responsible for overseeing the management of the hotel’s operation departments. With his leadership, the hotel aims to continue to provide exceptional and extraordinary experiences for high-profile guests and sophisticated travelers.


Mr. Ng, originally from Malaysia, has extensive experience in the food and beverage industry. He began his journey in 2009 at the Burj Al Arab in Dubai and joined The Ritz-Carlton Pudong, Shanghai in 2013 as a sommelier. From 2014 to 2018, he won three awards at the China Wine List Awards and served as the Chinese restaurant operations manager, leading the team to be awarded one Michelin star in both 2017 and 2018 in the Shanghai Michelin Guide. In 2019, he joined The Ritz-Carlton Nanjing as the Assistant Director of Food and Beverage, actively participating in the pre-opening preparations. With his keen perception of local cuisine and close collaboration with the culinary team, Mr. Ng led the food and beverage team to create high-quality dining experiences at The Ritz-Carlton Nanjing, showcasing his fresh energy and innovative leadership mindset. Prior to this new role, Mr. Ng was the Director of Food & Beverage in The Ritz-Carlton Nanjing.


Over the past 14 years, Mr. Ng has gained extensive experience and industry knowledge in luxury brand hotels across different markets. This appointment will empower him with greater responsibilities, and his profound professional experience and outstanding leadership will position the hotel as destination in the region.


The St. Regis Shanghai Jingan, located in the bustling commercial and cultural center, overlooks the most desirable area of Jing’an District. It is an ideal place for guests to explore the charm of Shanghai.


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