Student visa work restrictions were relaxed throughout the pandemic, and completely removed in January 2022.This allowed student visa holders to work over their normal limit of 40 hours per fortnight to address workforce shortages. This ended on 30 June 2023.
“A majority of students will come to us during exam time, saying they’re struggling because they were picking up work hours,” she says. “While unrestricted hours gave them financial freedom, it’s also resulted in lots of stress.”
September’s announcement that the cap would be reimposed was broadly supported by the sector, after complaints about a lack of transparency when the former federal government announced it would be removed.
The new restrictions permit students to work three full days– still more than competitors such as Canada and the UK.
One exception to the cap is the aged care sector, where students will be allowed to work unlimited hours to cover workforce shortages.
Last week the Labor MP Julian Hill called for “nuclear” reforms to clean up poor-quality vocational educators, which he said were exploiting the system as a “low-rent work visa”.
He proposed suspending international student intakes for low-quality courses and preventing internal assessments to reverse the trend of student visa holders arriving with the intention to work, not study.
最后这篇文章里面出现了一个非常有趣的idiom,trojan horse,那这个idiom需要好好学习。
“Public universities and quality private colleges are used as a Trojan horseto obtain a visa and make haste on uncapped work hours.”
木马(Trojan horse)是古希腊的一个神话故事。古希腊人为了攻占一个国家特洛伊,设计了木马,将士兵全部藏在木马里面,然后假装溃败,而特洛伊人把木马带回到城里面庆祝澳洲现在时间,结果藏在木马里面的士兵攻占了特洛伊。
Trojan horse
The financial supportor technological support provided by some countries has turned out to be a Trojan horse in many cases. The recipient countries have to make some sacrifices in exchange for these types of support.
Many charities turn out to be trojan horses. They claim to collect money for worthy causes. The donations they have collected do not necessarily each the people who need this kind of money.
为了帮助大家学习英语的idiom,我们给大家赠送一本电子书。这本电子书里面有1000个常用的英语习语。还有第二本是English idioms in use (intermediate)。第三本是English idioms in use (intermediate)。
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